A daily...meh, weekly dose of babies, reality, and love.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Good morning, Tuesday.

I've been surprised at the response to my post about inadequacy. I heard from people I haven't talked to in years, I heard from my best friends, I heard from strangers, I heard from one of my sisters, who called to make sure I wasn't about to jump off a cliff (my extreme narcissism would never allow for such an act). The overwhelming feedback was of thanks. And understanding. And stories of other people's own struggle with the exact same issues. You know what all of that feedback tells me? We're not alone in this battle, you guys. Amen, amen. I didn't write that post from a good place, or one of encouragement. I wrote it from deep pain, a sorrow brought on by hurt that I wasn't sure how to handle. So I am glad that, in my pain, you found some peace. I am glad that God turns our ashes to beauty. I am glad to call you friends.

Speaking of friends, the beautiful Cassidy Jo sent me this video a few days ago and I just watched it again this morning with Clara, who was rapt in attention. We both were. Cass told me that there are some weeks she has to listen to this every day, just to find strength to get out of bed in the morning. Watch it, because it does.  This man Anis Mojgani uses his words to give you strength, and reminds you of your lovely lovely loveliness, even on days when, perhaps, you would indeed like to jump off a cliff. Thanks for sharing, Cassidy. Love you.

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